
Saturday 31 May 2014

Tuna noodles

oooh had this one tonight and it is a fave.   Sometimes I find the most basic and simple recipes are the tastiest and this proves the point.  Sometimes I tend to add too much in the way of spices and herbs and lose the taste of the protein and veg.

100gr albacore tuna (if on protocol this is the only tuna you can have.  Coles brand make one and is the only one I have been able to find)
1/2c tomato puree
1c broccoli cut very small.
1/3 pack of angel hair slendier konjac noodles

In one pot put all ingredients except noodles into pot, stir well and put lid on and let simmer until broccoli is cooked through.   Rinse noodles well then add to sauce, let simmer another five minutes with lid on.
There!! How easy is that, to save washing you can even eat it out of the pot!

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