
Wednesday 28 May 2014

Zucchini Chips

I couldn't use the recipe I found because it uses oil.  As most people will know, during phase 2 of the protocol no oils or fats can be use, so I made up my own recipe.

Slice zucchini about 2-3mm thickness (I used one medium one).  Be sure to slice the zucchini length ways as they shrink quite a bit as they dehydrate.
In a plastic bag place 1/2tsp each of good salt (Himalayan) , pepper, chilli flakes, garlic flakes, onion salt, paprika.  Or whatever spices or herbs you like.
Put zucchini in and shake until well covered.
Place on an oven rack on a tray and back at 220c turning occasionally until they are starting to crisp up. They will crisp a bit more once out of the oven.

Goes great with steak!

I have also done these in the dehydrator with mixed results.  If you dry until super crunchy they are great if eaten straight away.  Unfortunately they won't keep crunchy for long though.  

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