
Thursday 26 June 2014

Bellini burgers

Not strictly changing habits and definitely not phase two but who says I can't mix it up a bit.
I got myself a bellini on the weekend and have been having a little play with it.   This is the first recipe I have made up and I thought I would share it.   I had cooked up some adzuki beans to add to another dish earlier in the week and completely forgot so decided to make them up into a veggie burger for the kids.  Very easy!  Huge hit!  Win Win!!

1c raw adzuki beans 
(or 1 tin cooked if you can find them)
1/2 onion
2 cloves garlic
1tsp oregano
1tsp ground coriander
1tp ground cumin
1med potato diced and cooked
1c bread crumbs

Soak beans for at least 8hrs and then boil until soft.
Put onion and garlic in bellini bowl and dice 10secs on speed 6.
Add all other ingredients except breadcrumbs and blitz for a further 30secs on speed 3.  Check mixture and if it is a smooth, pastey consistency add 1/2 the  breadcrumbs and mix for 10secs on speed 2.  If it isn't smooth enough then blitz in increments of 10seconds until well mixed.
I found it easier to get the mix out of the bellini bowl and put into another dish.  Shape into patties and cover in remaining breadcrumbs.  You don't need egg and flour is the pattie is moist enough to hold the crumbs.
I left in fridge for a few hours to firm up and then shallow fried them in rice bran oil .

Serve as burgers in a bun, in a wrap or with veg.

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