
Saturday 7 June 2014

Hints and Tips

I really think being organised is the key to making phase two easier.  The first couple of weeks of this phase can be challenging.  Firstly you are feeling not so great due to the awesome work your body is doing in eliminating the toxin build up.  Hooray for your body!!
Secondly, you really have to think outside the square when it comes to your meals.  It is challenging cooking without butter, cheese, oil. This are things we take for granted and to suddenly have to cook without them is hard.

Thirdly, you are quite possibly cooking regular meals for other family members and your kitchen has suddenly become a restaurant!   I know this one well as I also have one child who has chosen to be vegetarian, one child who will eat pretty much anything and then me!

For me personally I find the following makes things much easier for me:

* I buy my meat in bulk from the farmer (Conmurra Farm), the day it is delivered I immediately trim and bag it up into 100gr lots.  I also do this for chicken breast.

* Add spices and herbs to your meats before freezing to save time and to add flavour

*Don't be scared to use herbs and spices.  I find I use them heaps more than I used to because I am not relying on oils etc

*Cook in bulk where you can.  If I make a soup I add at least 500gr of meat and 5 cups of allowed veg then divide and freeze.   I also do this for bolognaise sauce.

*Make your own stock and freeze in smaller portions for quick soups.

*Use a non-stick pan.  Normally I wouldn't touch these but it does make cooking without a lubricant much easier.

*Use a splash of water in your pan to fry onion etc

*If you have a phone that you can set reminders do so for your drops so you don't forget.

So, what hints or tips do you have for making this phase easier?  Please share them in the comments and I will eventually create a page with them all.  

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