
Friday 13 June 2014

Porterhouse steak with Mexican mash

One of my all time favourite meals is pulled beef/pork and I really miss it during phase 2.    I had some cauliflower that needed using up and decided to give this a try and see if it would work.  I am pleased to say it did and it was very nice!!

100gr lean porterhouse
1c finely chopped cauliflower
pinch of chilli flakes, paprika, cayenne, S&P, oregano, garlic
1/2 diced tomato

Place all ingredients except steak in a saucepan with a couple of tablespoons of water.  Mix well then put the lid on and cook until very tender (able to be mashed).
Cook steak as you usually would.  Mash cauliflower until a mushy pulp and serve with some green salad or as I did with a handful of fresh spinach and some tomato slices!

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