
Wednesday 14 January 2015

I said LOW carb, NOT NO carb!!!

I am constantly astounded at the comments 
I see/hear from people regarding LCHF (Low carb, high fat).  

These generally range from people assuming you are depriving yourself of tasty food and treats through to people getting quite defensive about you 'cutting an entire food group'.

I have to assume they have no idea what it is I do and haven't done any research themselves, they just jump to conclusions and decide they should voice them far and wide.

Cutting out processed carbs, that are mostly grain foods and then saying you are depriving yourself of carbs entirely is the same as telling a vegetarian they need meat to get their protein!!

Total bullshit in my honest opinion!

It never ceases to amaze me that people feel should feel so strongly about what another person consumes.  At the end of the day we really only need to worry about our own health and habits I would have thought.
I do share links and info I come across, whether people choose to take it on board is entirely up to them and I am beastly careless if they do or not.
I would love for others to feel as great as I do and I do feel sad when I see or hear people lamenting their poor health and I wonder if dietary changes would make a difference.

In our house hold we have completely cut carbohydrates from processed foods and wheat/grain based foods.   We have minimised fruit, beans and pulses.  Does this mean we are getting NO carbs?  Obviously not, since fruit, vegetables, dairy and other sources still contain carbs.

Another concern by the opinionated masses is whether we can get through the day due to lack of energy, since carbs are the only source of fuel in their 'professional' opinion.

Since changing my diet I am now able to walk several kilometres a week where as before giving up carbs I was too sick.

A great site that addresses this is Mark's Daily Apple.  
Another great site with fabulous podcasts is Jimmy Moore's site.   
 Jimmy has loads of info on ketonic lifestyle and how to maintain it.
Also check out what Tim Noakes has to say on his site.  He does some great podcasts that he shares on his twitter feed to.

But you know, at the end of the day you do what suits you.  This suits me perfectly.  I haven't felt this great in forever and I love that others who are joining me are feeling the benefits too.


  1. Love this post! It's so true, I find people talking all the time as if they are experts and not even read the information. I'm so happy you shared your experience with me. :)

    1. Thanks Christina. It is an eye opener to hear what people say I must admit

  2. Yes, I've been thinking there's no public outcry about vegetarians or vegans cutting out certain foods the same way there has been with Paleo & LCHF. It is sad when other people dismiss unfamiliar ideas that may help them, but from my own experience, people won't change until they're absolutely ready. So glad you've found what works for you xx

    1. It really amazes me that people seem to feel they have an invested interest in what I choose not to eat LOL

  3. This was the first thing my mum assumed when she told me I was going to kill my husband by not allowing him to eat any carbs - apparently, she is convinced he has diabetes and not eating enough carbs can kill diabetics, she said. She is diabetic and on medication, so possibly if she did this without adjusting her meds it might cause her issues, but dh is not diagnosed as diabetic, nor is he on meds, so either ways lchf can't do anything but good for him - and it is! Already he said he has significantly less pain in his legs, and he's lost 6.2kg in two weeks!

    1. wow! they are great results. I am loving the meals you are cooking.

  4. Love it Kelli, very well said!
