
Tuesday 6 January 2015

LCHF almond crumbed chicken with blue cheese dressing

My big two kidlets are away with their dad at the moment so I am cooking just for me.  
(if you don't count the bazillion bottles I seem to make)

This is a wondrous thing for a few reasons.

I get to eat what I want!
I can eat when I want.
I never hear negative feedback prior/during or after the meal
Very little washing up.
More for me :)

Don't get me wrong, I do miss them but this is a treat!

This meal was worthy of it's own post it was so amazing
I have been wanting to have a go at crumbing chicken but wasn't sure how it would go without the regular flour/breadcrumb combo. 

I was kinda making it up as I went and hit the jackpot..
If you make it let me know what you think.

INGREDIENTS (serves 2)

6 chicken drumsticks (or any pieces you like really)
1/4c buckwheat flour
1 egg whisked with 2 tbs milk
3/4c of almond meal.  (I ground my own almonds but not too fine as I like texture)

Blue Cheese Sauce
1/4c blue cheese
3tbs sour cream
1tbs mayonaisse
1tbs lemon juice
pinch of salt

Coat chicken in flour then the egg mix.  Roll in almond meal and refrigerate for at least 30 min.  
I find this firms it all up and stops the crumb falling off when cooking. 

I oven baked mine but you could fry in coconut oil just as easily.
Pop on lined oven dish and bake at 200c for around 30min or until completely cooked through.

These released just enough juices/fat to help the almonds roast up and become crispy golden and totally delicious.

You could serve with anything you like.  I chose a salad with freshly pod peas, avocado, olives, fetta and greens.
Topped with the blue cheese sauce.
For the sauce pop all ingredients into a blender and blitz until combined, it is that easy.  
Trust me this sauce is amazeballs!
I also had enough for steak the following night.

Please let me know what you think :)


  1. Looks bloddy marvellous! Any suggestions for a buckwheat substitute?

  2. you could skip it or use arrowroot i reckon
