Friday 6 May 2016

LCHF Grain free bread rolls

This is amazing!  Since my children decided to go grain free they have occasionally lamented the loss of toasties and rolls so I googled and I played and finally found a combination that not only was very tasty but that my miss fussy would eat.
This is fast and easy.
About 45 minutes and you have steaming hot rolls from the oven, combine with some okay, loads of butter and you won’t look back.

  • 60gr ground psyllium husk (or an extra 60gr ground linseeds if following GAPS)
  • 80gr coconut flour
  • 25gr chia seeds
  • 25gr linseeds
  • 25gr sunflower seeds
  • 25gr sesame seeds
  • 3tsp baking powder
  • ½tsp salt
  • 3 eggs
  • 2tsp coconut oil
  • 400gr water
  1. Grind the psyllium husks or linseeds to a powder.
  2. Add other dry ingredients and blend slightly (pulse in TMX or bellini).
  3. Add wet ingredients and mix for 2min.
  4. Let sit for 5 minutes.
  5. Dampen hands and shape into palm size bread rolls.
  6. Bake at 200c for 20-30 min, until golden and light and puffy.
  7. Store in the fridge for upto 5 days. (if they last that long)
Nutrition Information
Serving size: 1 Calories: 99 Fat: 7.3 Saturated fat: 1.8 Carbohydrates: 1.3 Sugar: 0 Protein: 4.9

Sunday 31 January 2016

Mexican LCHF chilli Con Carne

I am always on the look out for recipes for my old favourite foods.  When I can't find one then I just try and make it up as I go.  It can be hit and miss sometimes but this was a definite hit.  Both kids gobbled it up so that has to be a win right!

This was very easy and you could probably do it in the slow cooker too if you were pushed for time.

1kg nice and fatty minced beef
2 med onions diced
3 cloves garlic
800gr of diced tomatoes (I used some I  bottled last year)
1-2 whole red chillies sliced
2tsp smoky paprika
1tsp chilli flakes
1 pc smoky chorizo sliced
Optional:1 tin mixed beans (omit if going for super low carb)
S&P to taste

In a large saucepan saute onion and garlic in some coconut oil.  
Add beef a little at a time and break up and cook until nicely browned.
Add chilli, chilli flakes and paprika along with the sliced chorizo. 
Cook a little more then add tomatoes and let simmer for around an hour.
Adjust seasoning before serving and if you want beans then add those in after 30min of simmering.

I served ours with a really cheese cauliflower mash.  The kids are a bit 'meh' about cauliflower unless it is baked whole with a bucket of cheese.
This recipe found their weak spot though.

1 whole cauliflower broken into smaller florets
2 cloves garlic
S&P to taste
1/4c grated parmesan
1/2c grated cheddar
extra 1/2c mixed cheeses for top

Steam cauliflower and once super soft drain well.
Place in food processor with garlic and cheeses. 
Blend until creamy then pour into an oven proof dish.
Top with more cheese and back until bubbling and golden.

I really hope you enjoy this as much as we did.
This is a large serve but I like to freeze portions for lazy nights.
Serve with sour cream and guacamole to finish it off perfectly.

Saturday 16 January 2016

Summer time LCHF ice-cream

It is that time of year and if you are like me and have a soft spot for ice-cream then these can fill the void.

I ADORE ice-cream

I would crawl over hot coals for the stuff and have been known to lie to my children about the existence of ice-cream in the freezer!

Sooooo, I have two recipes for you.

They are simple and don't use too many ingredients, which I really like.

I made the custard for this one in the bellini but it can be done stove top just as easy.  For the puritan banters this would be totally unacceptable but hey, you gotta live a little in summer. and. ice-cream!

Salted Caramel Ice-cream

6 pitted fresh dates
400ml coconut cream
2 whole eggs
1tsp himalayan salt
1tsp vanilla essence
125ml pouring cream
1tsp xantham gum powder
1tsp lucuma

Blend dates, vanilla, lucuma, xantham gum and eggs together.  
In a pan heat coconut cream to a simmer, stir in date mix and add yacon syrup (you can go without this or add a sweetener of your choice.  I use this as it is reasonably low in carbs and adds a nice flavour)
Bring to simmer and stir until mix starts to become thicker.  
Once it resembles a custard, add your salt and remove from heat and chill in fridge.
Once cool, whisk through the pouring cream and then place in sealed container in freezer.  
This is where you can use your ice-cream maker and follow usual method.
If you don't have an ice-cream maker then just remove every hour or so and give a whisk.  
You only need do this 2-3 times.
You will need to remove from freezer at least 30min before using, like most home made ice-cream it will go really hard.  Alternatively you can use ice-cream moulds that make it much easier to handle.
You can also eat it much sooner!
makes 15 serves.  2.3gr carbs per serve

My kids love this one, for me it is too much cream, however using cream makes it a great source of fat and really low carb

Traditional Vanilla Ice-cream

600ml pouring cream
2tbs vanilla essence
2 vanilla beans split and scraped (use it all)
pinch salt
1.5tbs great lakes gelatin
1/4c water

Dissolve the gelatin in the water and set aside.
In a saucepan heat cream with vanilla, beans and paste until you have a simmer.  let simmer for about 20 min until it has reduced and developed a really lovely vanilla flavour.
Remove beans and let cool slightly.
Whisk through gelatin, then transfer to a container and chill in fridge.
Once cool whisk again then follow same procedure as above for whisking/freezing or use your ice-cream maker or moulds.
makes 15serves, 1.1gr carb per serve