Saturday 18 April 2015

I fell off the wagon

Well, not me personally.  But I hear it all the time.  I am in quite a few bucket loads of groups on facebook  for HCG protocol, banting, LCHF, paleo peeps and every day there are several posts lamenting how they (the writer) have failed and fallen of the wagon.  Generally followed with self flagellation to an extreme.

Seriously, don't!  JUST DON'T!!!

Life is too short to beat yourself up over this shit.
At the end of the day all you can do is continue on eating what you know works for you.  

Take a look at why you 'fell off'
What caused you to eat something you feel you shouldn't have.

What exactly did you eat?

Life is there for living and food is there not only to fuel your body but also to enjoy.  

Maybe next time take a look at what you think you are craving, can that be satisfied with something that isn't going to hurt you or make you ill.
Sugar craving, try some almonds
Chocolate craving, have some super dark chocolate with high cacao 

But please, don't make yourself feel bad over it.

This is a life change. 
If it were a diet and you were trying to lose weight by a certain period then you might feel disappointed that that wasn't happening.

Because eating real food that your body agrees with is a lifestyle you are not time limited.
You cannot fail


  1. very good, timely and succinct article. Well done, and good on you for writing with facts and compassion.
